Fast Eddy’s Silver Sale On Old Cotton Rag


Hello Everybody, I’m here to kick off the first ever EDDY PULA INTERNET PICTURE TAG SALE. Now remember that I’ve never done this before, so please treat me with kid gloves, and handle the prints with archival cotton gloves (naw once I get the money I don’t care what you do with them, sure is expensive toilet paper though) I stole the Idea from Michael Johnston over at The Online Photographer, his pragmatic Midwestern democratic way of getting art to the people inspired this, so Thanks Mike! Why does art have to be only in dusty museums? Why does art only have to be in ugly vainglorious McMansions? I don’t think the status quo is really the best way to disseminate pictures or ideas so instead of complaining I decided to do something about it! Also I’m broke and out of film so there’s that reason to!


Each picture is hand printed in my darkroom (except for the finale, but we can all just wait for that) A-F are 8×10 rc prints from 35mm negatives I have shot in the past 6 weeks, those are all priced at $20, and are an open edition (but so what, grow up or shut up, its only 20 bucks, what do you need a certificate of authenticity too) but as of now, and probably forever, each print is an kinda closed edition of 3 with 1 for me!

H-Lambda (yeah I got kinda carried away and ran out of alphabet, so I switched to pig latin) are all 11×14 fiber prints from either 2 1/4 square negatives or 4×5 and are priced @ 50 bucks and there is about 5 copies of each. I sold a couple at a show last October and some got destroyed at the closing ceremonies of the famed Other Side Cafe, did you know that Nan Goldin used to show the ballad of sexual dependency there? She went to the Museum School and its only like half a mile from it but anyways I digress. If you are curios I will write a little info on the back along with my signature, like where and when the picture was taken.

Finally prints X and Z are freaking huge inkjets made with epson paper and ink, I don’t even know how big they are… wait a second for whatever reason they are 24×31 inches big and were overseen by my teacher Matt Connors, he told me I wouldn’t be allowed to take any more pictures or be let back into class till I did justice to these two and he basically taught me the proper way to photoshop and the right songs to sing to the giant epson printer so it wouldn’t screw up your pictures (they like ‘row row row your boat gently down the print, merrily merrily merrily life is but zone IV and sepia tint’) They only hung once, for a finale critique and they were well received by the likes of Frank Gohlke, Nick Nixon and Abe Morrell, so if its good enough for them… One problem is they were so heavy I had to drive push pins right through the corners, but a matte job or even cheaper, nice paper cutter will fix that and give you the slightly more even 24×30 prints, so fashionable in the salons of Paris! Other than that they are perfect! There has to be at least 200 dollars worth of ink in them so how about $200 a piece!

Each print will be shipped in a cardboard sleeve, with a mystery gift inserted, what will it be, 4×5 contact prints, some random negative, thing I find on floor? Send me your money and we’ll find out together, but just to show you the idea, here is a picture of the highlighted script I wrote for my first lecture, it was for Irina Rozovsky’s sophomore seminar at the Art Institute of Boston, I left it at home and had to make it up on the spot but they didn’t call security so I think it went well. That kind of priceless eddy memorabilia is what we are giving away today with every order, now where are you gonna find another deal like that?

Ok so here is how we are gonna do it, you pick your prize by leaving a comment on the bottom of the blog, tell me your name and which letter of the alphabet soup picture you want, that will be your claim and it’ll be in public so there won’t be any funny business, then email me at with your address and I’ll calculate shipping (dude I’m working with a big deal importer exporter, he even has a label maker and scale and everything!) which will be extra, but we’ll keep it as cheap as we can, even international shipping, cause this dude get and ships all over the globe! It looks like lower 48 states will cost $6 and I’m sorry but International shipping will be $20, but I’ll make it up to you foreigners with extra mystery prizes! Then you paypal me (weird I know but Bula is the only guy I can trust with all the monies) and I’ll sign it and make it out to your girlfriend or spinster aunt or whomever and throw in your mystery prize and its out the door with the next UPS shipment! The prints are already made so all I need is new collectors for my old and new pictures! Come on folks, pick a picture any picture, there’s a winner born every minute but you gotta be in it to win it, am I right?

63 thoughts on “Fast Eddy’s Silver Sale On Old Cotton Rag

  1. Email from anon soon to be ex-pat american
    Hi Eddy-
    I wasn’t going to buy anything because I have no money, but I super
    loved this hitchhiker print when we went to the show in Inman sq. And
    now it is looking at me like, wouldn’t you like to see me more often?
    Hopefully you will send it to me so I can bring it to Montreal and
    make all those people jealous. Please include the story if possible, I
    recall that it was quite amusing~ Let me know how much with shipping
    and all?

  2. email from anon woodsman
    i would like to make a request that you
    don’t buy a pack of cigrits with the money.

    and if you ever make it out here to oregon, you gotta
    make sure you don’t look me up.


    • since i live over 3000 miles away, you can just consider me a foreigner. and for my mystery prize ( i don’t like mysteries) i would like a print of a picture you posted on flicr, i think the caption read ” this is what we look like “. it was some lady texting with a latte and a cig in her hands. i would like that printed on single weight grade 6 paper. and also it needs to be gold toned for archival quality and while you’re at it, throw in a can of alphabet soup too. ;v)

  3. facebook mail from anon reformed diary girl
    oh i totally forgot I love that guy in the bin laden t-shirt with the big hands. If you have a shitty one of those, lying around, send one my way, or just don’t include the one of the ass that I picked. home this finances your midwest adventure. unless that was a joke.

      • the 8×10 rc prints are $20 dollars, the 11×14 fiber prints are $50 and the big digital prints are $200 dollars, email me the RED letter of the alphabet on the picture you want and also your address at and I’ll figure out how much shipping is (lower 48 states is $6 international is $20) and then pay pal me at please not the B in and I can ship it off this afternoon. THANKS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART WOODY!!!

      • hey woody did you see my reply, I hate the internet sooo much I had to make prints, but everything is bugging out but me and you dude, did you see the reply I made? If not please re read the stupid blog post at the end is all the info you need I SWEAR ITS THERE!!!

      • huh are you out there? I really don’t understand why wordpress has to make everything so difficult if this was a real tag sale the deal would be done already… sigh

  4. flickr email from anon fellow photo robot

    I really like the last inkjet portrait (4×5) of the woman with the building and bus in the background. Would you consider taking a $100 this month, then a $100 next month? The whole 200 beaners is more than I can part at the moment. You could ship it to me when I’ve paid in full. Think about it and best of luck on sales.
    this is Eddy here…. hmmm, you def have my interest dude, I can tell you that, but if I can get the whole enchilada this week it would be hard to turn down, I’ll think about it ok. thanks tho really it means alot coming from you!

      • hey whenever you want to send the first hunny dollas is cool cuz, I’m gonna send a nip or two in there, you don’t have to drink them yourself, you can hand them to your next subject!

  5. real quick I don’t want to be a brat but I wrote all this stuff down so you guys could read it… and I quote
    “Ok so here is how we are gonna do it, you pick your prize by leaving a comment on the bottom of the blog, tell me your name and which letter of the alphabet soup picture you want, that will be your claim and it’ll be in public so there won’t be any funny business, then email me at with your address and I’ll calculate shipping”
    I do believe that the customer is always right but here on the internet you are all wearing invisibility cloaks, and no one goes to a diner that is always empty so PLEASE leave your messages here! I will gladly take personal emails in all their forms, I’m really a lonely boy at heart, but if I want to make a little dough I need a virtual line of cool kids and you guys are the coolest so ask me about prints here!!!
    honestly its as much for my own record keeping as anything, I want to give you guys and gals the fairest deal on the internets, I’m kind of dumb so if you left everything here I could know who to talk to privately!

  6. dear Eddie… redundancy is only for NASA rocket launches… pick one.. N or U and delete the dupe. Also let Joey H know that his impression of Howard Stern requires equally dated Lenin glasses, actually they’re more like Trotsky’s IIRC. Finally like you I’m near broke.. sent my goddam Pentax 67 in and it’s going to end up costing about $480 for repairs, parts … blah blah etc etc. I really relate to that chick in “P” smokin’ but more importantly downing the contents of a hip flask. Can you crank out an 8/10 of that unit for $20 ? PS don’t tell Joey mmmkay!

    • hmmm, let me check… if you pay pal me tonite or early tomorrow we could have it shipped by the afternoon, I live in western mass and its only a 12 hour or so hop, we can do it!

  7. Pingback: this is how we are gonna do it! | karapture

  8. pay pal invoice from anon chica de espanole!!! ariibbe aribbe, ps does anyone speak espanole?
    Buenos dias señor Bula, necesito que por favor firme este nuevo contrato con el nombre de la nueva compañia, si me lo envia para mañana a mas tardar, ya que el banco lo esta pidiendolos y hay que enviarlo antes de que cierren el file.

    Gracias y que tenga bue

      • hey wench you wanna send the money today or tommarow, cause we just shipped off the first order and I am shocked at how proffesional the packaging is, everything is tops because the guy I’m working with has been shipping tools all over the globe for 20 years and has miles and miles of packing tape! WE EVEN HAVE A LABEL MAKER FOR FRAK SAKE

      • go to school fool, which ones you want again? 8×10’s are 20 dollars, 11×14’s are 50, shipping you you, 6 bucks. Tell me what letter I put in red on the post and I can ship it out tommarow

      • Gotcha! Check yer PayPal! I am preparing a Place of Honor™ for them in my house. I’m gonna have my guy matte and frame ’em- he does Joel Sartore’s stuff, too. Woo! I name dropped! (which is sad, because I’ve never met Sartore…)

      • wow with prints like that who needs friends? Naw thanks for all the understanding, I need to buy you a beer someday and hear all your stories, cause I haven’t lived them all, not yet!!!

      • awe man I’m gonna be hanging with all the real artists in gay paris, fuck yeah! I feel like Hemingway or Woody Allen, my two favorite dudes!

      • which one again? long mutha funking day in the northeast section of america, 90 and muggy and horrible, spent half the day in my buddies pool with his kentucky blue tick hound dog, that dog is a laff riot dudes, and he never drools on the prints I swear!

      • Looks like my first comment disappeared in limbo.
        Fuxa 11×14.

        Well, Ctein micro 3/4 print is quite a honorable neighborhood. And Paris ain’t far either, just a long walk away.

      • HAWT DAMN THANKS SO MUCH, Mikes been to busy to say anything but he really inspired me on his blog and in real life (well real hard emails on lcd screens anyways) hey maybe he would listen to you if you sent him a email and told him about your new acquisition!

  9. Pingback: oh when the lord gets ready you have to ship | karapture

  10. Pingback: you know he ain’t got nothing at all | karapture

  11. Aly Stosz
    11 hours ago ·

    People in NYC are full of talk, bubbling up vomitously, projecting a smoke and mirrors profile of how great and well connected they are. But, when the bullshit is revealed, I think so much less of them than I would if they’d just been honest. So what is the point exactly?
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Share
    8 people like this.
    Marissa Provenza can we get dinner sometime soon?
    11 hours ago · Like
    Aly Stosz Absolutely I would love that
    11 hours ago · Like
    Clara Rose Thornton Hot damn — you WOULD be in New York when I’m in Philly.

    You know I live in Brooklyn now, right?
    11 hours ago · Like
    Aly Stosz Que?!!??!? When are you getting back? I live in Clinton Hill! ♥
    11 hours ago · Like · 1
    Clara Rose Thornton AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bushwick; Flatbush soon.
    11 hours ago · Like
    Rowan Antony Bado girl you live in BED STUY
    11 hours ago · Like · 2
    Clara Rose Thornton Bed-Stuy DO OR DIE.
    11 hours ago · Like
    Aly Stosz Come now, do I? Love you Row
    11 hours ago · Like
    Jan Davies It ain’t just NYC… it’s a global smoke and mirrors game. Serving up a plate of manure with a pretty garnish and calling it by a fancy name just don’t cut it. They’re still trying to make you eat s*it.
    11 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rowan Antony Bado if you think about it a bit, it’s actually kinda obvious why somebody would want to seem bigger and better than they are in a place like this. just a matter of whether or not they find out the truth!
    9 hours ago · Like
    Eddy Pula I know thats why me and jair are doing it stosz style, check this sheet out gurl
    8 hours ago · Like
    Eddy Pula
    Fast Eddy’s Silver Sale On Old Cotton Rag
    Hello Everybody, I’m here to kick off the first ever EDDY PULA INTERNET PICTURE …See More
    8 hours ago · Like ·
    Aly Stosz YO i LOVE the money being in the shots (ads?) can’t articulate why cuz I’ve had enough beers, also I love the word vainglorious
    10 minutes ago · Like
    Aly Stosz How much? I want one… guess I can prob find out from the page
    9 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
    Aly Stosz Row – they express themselves as bigger and better but as soon as you know them for more than 5 minutes you see how full of shit they are and they’re words make them seem EVEN SMALLER… so it is MORE than pointless.
    6 minutes ago · Like
    Write a comment…

    Liz Shear
    I have “the motto” stuck in my head.. what kinds of dreams am I going to have….
    Aly Stosz commented on Ishmael Osekre’s photo: “THanks!!!”
    Aly Stosz commented on her own status: “Row – they express themselves…”
    Brittonie Fletcher commented on Suzie Sims-Fletcher’s link on Brittonie Fletcher’s wall: “i’ve heard you ennunciate that…”
    Aly Stosz commented on her own status: “How much? I want one… guess…”
    Aly Stosz commented on her own status: “YO i LOVE the money being in t…”
    Joe Quintero listened to My Dearest Friend by Devendra Banhart on Spotify.
    Ruth Phiri commented on her own photo: “Thnx 4 likn my photo”
    Gustavo Vasquez commented on Sid Ceaser’s post in Camera Gear: “Haha I have mine but it’d pret…”
    Kate Atkins commented on her own photo: “Piggie Smalls!”
    Brittonie Fletcherposted toCALVINBALL!
    ‎:( i’ll be working 1-6:30… i want to play.
    Brittonie Fletcher is going to The Ale House Festival Weekender PHOTOSHOOT.
    Joe Quintero listened to The Other Woman by Devendra Banhart on Spotify.
    Robert Schneider likes Deborah Parkin’s photo.
    Robert Schneider likes Phil Bebbington’s link.
    Brittonie Fletcher commented on Milk Miruku’s link on Brittonie Fletcher’s wall: “Milk MIlk Milky milk goodness….”
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    Anastasia Cazabon
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    Esteban Arguello
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    Juniper Jupiter
    Karl Tacheron
    Peter Leavitt

    Go online to see who’s online to chat.

  12. Pingback: untitled masterpiece signed e mutt | karapture

  13. emails from anon the big pink to another bob dylan healing up after laying IT ALL DOWN
    {REDACTED} 8:16 PM (16 hours ago)
    hey eddy, you still haven’t sent me back an email with the cost so i can payp…
    Eddy Pula

    2:59 AM ({REDACTED} hours ago)

    to {REDACTED}
    sorry dude lower 48 states is 6 dollars international is 20, I don’t remember where you are from, I shipped something off to paris the otherday dude, I’m working so hard, I love it but its confusing sometimes you know! Hey just to make sure, tell me the letters for the prints again and your address in an email and I’ll GET IT DONE!!!

  14. Pingback: a1auntitled from a subure number 9 | karapture

  15. {REDACTED}

    1:22 PM (1 hour ago)

    to me
    I hope you don’t mind,I paid with 2600 pennies.
    Eddy Pula

    3:16 PM (0 minutes ago)

    to {REDACTED}
    wouldn’t have it any other way kid!

    • hey all, but espicilly Owen, things have been crazy and a bit sad over here, little bit of family emergency… everythings fine, just watched the last 6 days go to waste and all I got to show for it is a sun burn and a empty tank… but I digress, if you already paid your orders will be shipped this week starting today, and all new orders will be processed (i.e. seen and packed and shipped) after the 4th, thanks all!

  16. universal76 Owen Melbourne

    Flash settings

    Hi Eddy,

    I’ve just left a note on your blog about buying one of your prints. But wanted to ask you a question too.

    I’ve got a Mamiya C220 which I guess is pretty similar to the C330 you use for your night shots. This Friday I’ve hopefully got a gig at a late night party in a supermarket, so my normal plan would be to push some 400TX or get some Ilford 3200 and open up to 2.8, as it’s gonna be pretty dark in there I reckon, and I’ll probably lose loads of shots to missed focusing,

    What would I need to get hold of if I wanted to try your famed flash technique with the Mamiya? What sort of settings do you use on the camera and how does the shutter fire the flash. Sorry, never used flash before and pretty clueless.

    Cheers ears,

    ok give me a minute—————————
    get a flash, any flash will do as long as it hits f16 at 5 feet, do you have a flash meter? I don’t trust anything but my eyes and good meters (fuck guide numbers, old flashes from the 80’s lost some of their mojo after their 200K wedding) so get a friend, or use a trash can to hold up the meter and focus the camera at 10 feet, flash then write down the f number (Hopefully around f8 or f11) then walk 5 feet closer (focus then check the scale on your camera, it will tell you how far away the pretty gurls are;-)
    at 5 feet it should be f 16, then walk to three feet away (if you don’t have a tape measure use your arm, remember Da Vinces perfect man, our arms are half our height, so me being 6 foot 2 inches, my arms are 3 feet long when I do the pledge of allegiance to the photo gods) anyways I digress at 3 feet you should be at f22 or f32 and the best part is when you are stopped down that fucking far the focus is like auto focus kid, you have about 1-2 feet of D.O.F. so just focus on something shiny (hey thats why gurls where jewlery) and almost everything you ever wanted will be in focus!
    The only other thing is pullllllllllllllllllllllllll in development, I rate my tri-x at 100 at nite, and pulll it about 1.5 minutes (ISO BOX SPEED LIKE GUIDE NUMBERS ARE NONSENSE) and thats how I get those incredible tonal ranges that make every one look great.
    Nick Nixon taught me that and he didn’t have to say a word, just gave me my first dime store flash (I HATE SPEEDLIGHTS CAUSE THEY ARE ROBOTS AND GO TO SLEEP ALL THE FUDGING TIME) and showed me his 8×10 contacts that looked like winogrand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the only other thing is everything will go wrong all the time, the adpaters will always blow when the chicas take their clothes off (you know hot shoe to pc, wire eveything kid and take 3 copies of the promaster 10 dollar jobs with you) and the most simple beautiful way to do it, at nite is to just leave the shutter open for 4 seconds and then pop it off with your finger…….. I call it dead mans flash after the train engineer who told me about dead mans break (if you don’t know about that look it up, sooo fucking coool, my father was an civil engineer so I know all about physics kid!)
    hey these are the three cords, go start a band
    keep shootin kid cause some of them can’t no more……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  17. Hi I would like ‘E’ please. I am in the UK so will PayPal $40 (if that is wrong sorry and let me know I am recovering from a major op so three out of the four grey cells I have are still on a trip from the pain killers (opium derivative!)

    • have to check on that, we are really gonna start shipping monday…. this week has been like gearing up for the long haul, I hope packing will be a cool down…. right now I’m hanging out at dvden with a little red truck full of awesome cameras I bought off geetar picker who needed to tour, well its funny, like I just got back from a tour dudes………

  18. Not sure if my last reply is coming up properly.

    If not, and if there’s a print still spare, can I get letter ‘e’ please? I’m in London UK, so will stump up for the full $20 shipping.

    All the best,

    • hmmm well thats a 2 oclock question…. I’m pretty sure we got e were are deff out of Fuxa (but she’s still around somewhere, just on the road blues you know) ask me again at 2 and all will be clear (no internet in the hills blues)

  19. Pingback: Prints Shipped and Stripped | karapture

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